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All Your Tomorrows: A Rock Star Romance (Rocked in Love Book 3)

  Jessica Marlowe


  Copyright © 2019 by Jessica Marlowe


  Attention: Exclusive Offer

  Dear Reader

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Chapter Fifty

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  Chapter Fifty-Four

  Chapter Fifty-Five

  Chapter Fifty-Six

  Chapter Fifty-Seven

  Chapter Fifty-Eight

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  Chapter Sixty

  Chapter Sixty-One

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  Chapter Sixty-Three

  Excerpt Night and Day

  Exclusive Offer

  Enjoyed This Book?

  About The Author


  Novels By Jessica Marlowe


  Attention: Exclusive Offer

  Want more? Sign up to my VIP reader group to get access to epilogues, cut and extended scenes, cover reveals, and insider updates exclusively for my subscribers.

  Dear Reader,

  We’ve come to the end of Jack and Emily’s story, for now anyway. Buzz’s story will be told, and I’m sure Jack, Emily, Curt, Nicki, Elliot, and Siobhan are bound to show up. And who knows when a short story starring one of the happy couples from Rocked in Love might pop up for my subscribers. Frankly, Curt and Nicki are jealous they didn’t get their own story. Elliot doesn’t give a fuck, and Siobhan is happy in the background.

  This was a long road for me that started over two and a half years ago. I couldn’t have envisioned in my wildest imagination (buckle up) that Jack and Emily’s story would grow into three full-length books. I’m actually a little shocked I pulled it off.

  Thank you for your time, and I hope I left you better than when you found me.

  As always, if you find any errors, I would be very grateful if you could contact me so that I can make any necessary corrections. Please email me at with “Corrections” in the subject line.

  Best wishes,




  Now that Jack’s week with that whore is over, they’ll be apart for over a month. Whoever said absence makes the heart grow fonder was a fool. I’ll be seeing Jack in Chicago, and he won’t know what hit him. He’ll see me in a new light and forget all about her.



  As Jeff drove past Em’s door, Jack forced himself not to look at her. Her beautiful hazel eyes had been clouded by sadness, and it was his fault. He had to leave her because he had a tour to finish. He would always have a tour, an album to record, or a press junket that would keep them apart.

  Jack barely noticed the miles as they passed except to note they were putting space between them. Now that he understood why a normal life was so important, he wanted more than ever to be able to give it to her. Even if that meant giving up the career he loved. He could go back to school and get a degree in teaching. His parents never would’ve imposed their wishes for his future on him, but he knew his mom had thought he’d make a great teacher.

  He also loved working with his hands, and he’d spent many summers working with his dad. His dad never said so, but Jack got the impression that he would’ve loved to add “and son” to his business.

  Their nine days together had been amazing. He thought about all she’d done for him: working extra hours to get another day off, engaging with his family, genuinely wanting him to have a good time, and doing whatever she could to ensure it. She hadn’t told him yet that she loved him, but his dad had been right. Actions spoke louder than words. He knew in his heart that she loved him, but she was reticent to say it, and he even understood why, but he really needed to hear it.

  In the past, it had never been hard to return his focus to a tour. But since the first time they were apart, he hadn’t been able to give it his full attention. They had a tight schedule on this run, and during the only two-day break, they’d be shooting the video for their fourth single.

  His fingers traced the lines of the jack-in-the-box keychain she’d given him. His girl had a sick sense of humor, and he fucking loved it. He loved that she made jokes while they were having sex. Shit, don’t think about the sex.

  “You okay?” Jeff’s voice cut into his thoughts.


  Jeff cleared his throat. “Look, man, I know it’s none of my business, but…”

  It wasn’t like Jeff to hesitate. If he had something to say, he said it. “What?”

  “You’re not just having fun here, are you?”

  “You mean with Emily?”


  “I want to marry her.”

  Jeff nodded slowly. “All right then.”

  Jack smiled. “What if I was just having fun?”

  “It wouldn’t end well for you.”

  Jack felt the threat in Jeff’s voice. “I love her.” Now that he’d be gone for over a month, he needed to be sure she was safe. “As soon as it can be arranged, I want you back here and watching her.”


  “What the fuck do you mean no?”

  Jeff kept his eyes on the road. “Any more letters from the stalker?”

  “No. Hopefully, that’s over now.” Jack knew that wishing it wouldn’t make it so, and even though her apartment was more secure, he wasn’t going to take any chances with Emily. “Look, I trust you—”

  Jeff nodded curtly. “I know a guy.”

  “I want you to do it. Have this guy take over for you.”


  “Why not?”

  “Because this guy won’t get caught.”

  Jack scoffed. “Why, is he a fucking ninja?”

  “No. Emily knows him.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Ron Gi
lles. We served together.”

  The name rang a bell. “The Marine who punched out the reporter?”

  A slow smile crossed Jeff’s face. “The very one. That reporter was lucky. If it’d been me, he wouldn’t have walked away.” He cleared his throat. “When his name came up in the background check on Emily, I reached out to him.”

  Jack’s body tensed, and his heart pounded. “You did a background check on my girlfriend?”

  Jeff’s deep laugh filled the SUV. “Of course. Settle down, Jack, you’re in good shape, but you can’t take me.”

  “Wanna bet?” Jack fisted his hands. “Why?”

  “One, it’s my job to know who’s around you. And two, I was curious.”

  Jack rested back against the seat. He wasn’t really pissed, and it was part of Jeff’s job. “You’re devious.” Jack had always thought Jeff operated aboveboard. “Anything else I should know about?”

  Jeff smiled. “Two words, Jack. Plausible deniability.”

  Now, it was Jack’s turn to laugh. “You really think that’ll save me when Em finds out?”

  “No, I’m pretty sure she’ll rain hell down on both of us. So, we’d better make sure she doesn’t find out.” Jeff parked and shut off the engine. “Listen, I know this stalker shit is wearing on you, but whoever it is will make a mistake and get caught. Gilles will keep an eye on Emily.”

  Jack had done a good job of not thinking about it while he’d been with Em and his family, but Jeff was right; it was wearing him down. He needed this person caught and arrested. Now. “Isn’t there anything else we can do?” He knew that if there was, Jeff would be doing it. But a man could hope.

  “Unfortunately, we just have to wait for them to make a mistake.” Jeff hauled his bag over his shoulder.

  Jack grabbed his bag, and they walked toward the terminal. “Whatever it takes to get Gilles to help us, I’ll pay.”

  “I figured as much, so it’s already been arranged. He’s going to do a few days of recon, and then he’ll make contact. Captain Prescott was well-respected by everyone, but Gilles owes him.” Jeff stopped before entering the terminal. “Prescott saved his life in Kosovo.”

  Jack felt the respect that Jeff had for Em’s dad. He couldn’t even imagine what it was like to serve in the military. He’d never thought much about Jeff’s service, but he respected him, now more than ever. Em had downplayed it, but he had a new respect for the families of those who served. They sacrificed, too. While Jack had grown up in the suburbs of New York, Emily had lived on military bases, never knowing if she’d see her dad again. Her mom must’ve been strong too, taking on that life, basically raising two kids on her own for much of the time. A lump formed in Jack’s throat. He would’ve loved to have met them.

  Jack knew in that instant he wouldn’t do that to Em. He’d had a great childhood, and he wanted to be there for his kids like his dad had always been for him. And for Emily. She’d never have the normal life she wanted, the normal life she deserved, if he didn’t make some changes. Jack needed to talk to the guys. When this tour was over—

  “Hey, we’re gonna miss our flight.” Jeff elbowed him. “Come on, you’ll have plenty of time for thinking on the plane. Just don’t make any rash decisions.”

  Jack swallowed hard. “Was it that obvious?”

  They got their luggage tags at the check-in kiosk. “It’s not an easy life, but most of the families I’ve known have no regrets. They’re proud of their soldier. And proud to do their part. The divorce rate is high, but the families that survive, well, none are stronger.”

  Jack realized for the first time that he had no idea about Jeff’s personal life. Now he felt like a dick. “What about you? Married?”

  Jeff’s eyes saddened for a second before his face returned to its neutral mask. “Divorced.”

  They dropped their bags at the luggage check-in and headed toward security.

  Jack nodded. “Sorry to hear that.”

  Their flight to Cleveland was delayed, and Jack was pissed that he could’ve spent more time with Emily. Walking away this morning had been the hardest thing he’d ever done. How the fuck was he going to do this for the next two years? Or for the rest of his life?

  By the time their flight finally landed in Cleveland, Jack knew something in his life would have to change. He loved music, and being in the band was the best, but if he couldn’t have both, his choice was clear.

  Traffic from the airport was a bitch, but Jack made it to the interview just in time. They played a few acoustic songs.

  “This is Terri Caron, your afternoon DJ, and we are proud to have Stone Highway in the studio with us today. Wow, that was great. You’ve been together for ten years. That’s a long time in this business. I’ve never heard a bad thing about you guys. Are you really as close as you seem?”

  Jack smiled and relaxed. Ever since that interview in New York, he’d been a little leery. “We’ve been friends longer than that, and sure, there are some days that we piss each other off, but we don’t let it get so bad that we can’t stand each other.”

  “Buzz, how are you doing?”

  “I’ve been sober for nine months and one week today, so I’m doing great.”

  Applause and whistles sounded from the control booth.

  Terri clapped along. “That’s great. So good to hear. So many times, these things end in tragedy. Is it harder being on tour now that you’re sober?”

  “Not really. My brothers and our crew have been there and supported me every step of the way. I’m so grateful to all of them. And my family have been great, too. Our fans are so supportive. Every gig, they have signs encouraging me. I’ve been very lucky.”

  “That’s awesome,” Terri said.

  “I’d like to add that Buzz has worked really hard, and I’m so frickin’ proud of him,” Curt said.

  “We all are,” Elliot added.

  “I’ve interviewed dozens of bands over the years, but I gotta say that you guys really seem like family. And I really think that comes across in your music.”

  “Thank you, Terri. We are a family, and we consider our crew and the fans as part of that family,” Curt said.

  “I understand that, as a thank you for your fans, you guys have a special song that you close out your shows with. Can we hear that?” Her pale blue eyes sparkled at Jack.

  He knew that look, so he didn’t smile in return. He had no interest in being that friendly. “Sorry, it’s for the fans that come out to our gigs.”

  Her full glossy lips pouted. “Okay, understood. Can you at least tell us the title?”

  Jack shifted in his seat. “It’s called ‘With You.’”

  Terri’s brow lifted. “Sounds like a love song. Was it inspired by anyone special?”

  They’d done a good job of keeping their relationship private so far, and Jack had no intention of blowing it now, so Jack’s only reply was to shrug.

  Elliot cleared his throat. “Actually, it was inspired by someone very special.”

  Terri’s face lit up at the prospect of getting a scoop. “Do tell.”

  Jack had no idea where Elliot was going with this, but the guys knew that Emily was fame shy.

  Elliot leaned in closer and winked at Terri. “Siobhan and I are back together.”

  “Congratulations, that’s great.”

  While both those statements were true, they were unrelated, but Elliot played it perfectly. Devious fuck that he was, he loved nothing more than telling a lie with the truth. But as a consequence of his announcement, he and Siobhan wouldn’t have the privacy they usually enjoyed. Jack hoped that Elliot knew what he was doing.

  “This is Terri Caron, your afternoon DJ, with Stone Highway in the studio today. All you lucky fans that have tickets for the concert at the Jacobs Pavilion will have beautiful weather tonight. Thanks for coming in.”

  “Thanks for having us, Terri,” Curt said.

  Jack stood and shook hands with Terri. After
a couple of pictures, Jeff and Brick escorted them out of the radio station. A couple dozen fans waited outside, so they took some pictures and signed some autographs. One girl wanted him to sign her bare breasts, but Jack politely refused.

  Once they were in the SUV, Jack turned to Elliot. “Thanks for that, man.”

  “No problem, brother.” Elliot smiled. “You’ve covered my ass all these years.”

  They were already running late for soundcheck, so Polson and Miller went to the hotel to bring Nicki and Siobhan to the Pavilion.

  He’d only left Emily this morning, but he missed her like crazy. Jack knew he was being a selfish prick for wanting Emily with him, but he couldn’t help it. But he’d also never ask her to give up her career—or the stability it came with—for his. She’d worked too hard to rebuild her life after her family died, so that narrowed his options down to one. He’d have to be the one to give up his career.



  Emily was having a hard time concentrating during the meeting with their client Coffee Nirvana. She felt like something was missing. Not something but someone. Jack. They’d only been apart for seven hours, and already, she was in sorry shape.

  They wouldn’t be seeing each other for over a month. During their first week, when they’d planned out when they’d be together, she hadn’t thought twice about being apart from Jack for that long, but as their relationship progressed, each time she’d seen him, it had gotten harder to watch him leave which had surprised her.

  “Emily, do you have anything else to add?” Lonny Tremaine, CEO of Coffee Nirvana asked. They were a small family-owned company, and he was hands-on in every aspect. Lonny was also single, and every time he came in for a meeting, he reminded her of that. At first, it’d seemed like harmless flirting. He’d even commented on her engagement ring. But since her relationship with Sully had blown up, it seemed a little less harmless.

  Shit. Not that she’d ever get involved with a client, but she was very much taken. Emily smiled. “No.”